
The Faculty of Forestry Sciences is a High Education Institution (HEI) which has the Forestry Sciences Engineering Study Programme at an undergraduate level, its general objective is to train engineers in Forestry Sciences who master the professional competences of their area, for responding to the social, labour market and profession needs; and with them propitiate and strengthen the development of the forest sector in the regional, state and national scopes.

The Faculty of Forestry Sciences is a High Education Institution (HEI) which has the Forestry Sciences Engineering Study Programme at an undergraduate level, its general objective is to train engineers in Forestry Sciences who master the professional competences of their area, for responding to the social, labour market and profession needs; and with them propitiate and strengthen the development of the forest sector in the regional, state and national scopes.

To achieve the fulfilling of its general objective, the FSESP poses the following specific objectives:

  • Training graduates who develop generic competences, which allow them integrating to society and to the globalized world with enough tools as to respond the forest sector problematic at all its levels.
  • Developing specific competences in the graduates, to intervene in the different labour market problematic of Forestry Sciences Engineering, which allows them developing processes, methodologies and projects that influence the sustainable development of the region and country.
  • Promoting in the graduates an integral training which allows them developing skills and attitudes in benefit of society and the forest sector where he/she is going to provide his/her services, to offer, identity hold, inclusion and professional ethics that assure their social and professional insertion.

From the former the study plan is structured under the following curricular objectives:
  • Identifying and characterizing the species of forestry interest and the plant communities, based on botanic, anatomic, physiologic, genetic principles and their eco-silvicultural interactions, to quantify forest resources.
  • Knowing and applying the regulations that rule the forest activity at a local, state and national level, through the knowledge of laws and regulations that rule the management of forest resources, for generating a sustainable use.
  • Applying the scientific, technical and cultural information, with a critical and constructive mind, through the use of present communication technologies, for an integral development of the students.
  • Promoting the oral and written communication, investigation and team work capabilities, as well as the creativity and Independence, through the active participation of the students in cultural, scientific, sportive and social activities, for a better development and integration into society and in their professional performance.
  • Developing timber and nontimber managing programmes, by means of the knowledge of forest resources stocks, and by proposing silvicultural alternatives according to the technical condition of the forest resource, in order to guarantee the sustainable use of forest resources.
  • Identifying the impact degree of the degraded areas in forest ecosystems, by means of field trips, use of GIS, to propose conservation and restoration actions for the degraded systems.

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For those who are processing Title or Professional Certificate

Institution code: 100001

Careers code:

Forestry Sciences Engineering: 305303

Environmental Management Engineering: 121395