
Advisory is the accompanying, orientation and support that a teacher (adviser) provides a student all along her/his staying in the Forestry Sciences Faculty, this programme is found within the Advisory Action Programme (PAT) which belongs to the UJED Institutional Advisory Programme.

PAT has as objectives decreasing the failure, dropout and lagging indexes, besides of increasing terminal efficiency.

In the study plan of the FSF it is another activity of the formative curriculum and it is considered a graduating requirement. It establishes that 20 advisory sessions corresponds to 1 credit, and the maximum granted for this activity are 2 credits. The PAT considers three ways of advisory: group advisory with a monitor adviser, individual with a personal adviser and peer advisory. Each student has to attend the advisory session on the day and at the time agreed.

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For those who are processing Title or Professional Certificate

Institution code: 100001

Careers code:

Forestry Sciences Engineering: 305303

Environmental Management Engineering: 121395